The Importance of Regularly Checking Your Drains

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to regularly check your drains. If not, a small problem can become a much bigger problem in a short amount of time, leaving you with a massive bill. Much better then to check them regularly and do some simple drainage repairs yourself, and even if you identify a bigger problem, dealt with earlier, you’ll save money and time in the long run.

Check your drains regularly and look out for potential problems.

It’s common knowledge that most people won’t know much about their drains, or how often they need to be checked or cleaned. It’s the sort of thing that most people would understandably rather not think about. However, they become much more attentive once there’s a blockage. If you check your drains regularly you can avoid any serious problems from developing, but how often should you check your drains?

Check your drains annually.

We would advise that you check your drains at least once a year and check that they are working properly. Knowledge is power, and the sooner you are aware of something, the sooner you can do something about it.

Dirt buildups and health hazards.

As you can imagine a buildup of dirt will lead to a blockage, and a blockage can lead to health issues. Think of the odours and smells that can come from blocked drains. Yes, odours are a good way of identifying that there’s an issue and its location, but it’s not a great idea for it to have reached this point. 

Hard water areas.

If you live in a hard water area they can be prone to mineral deposits in your pipes. Cleaning and regular maintenance can rid you of these and keep your pipes clean. 

East of Scotland Drainage Services - for drain issues large or small.

If you’ve noticed your drains are not performing as you’d like them to, then contact us and we’ll do all we can to help. We can send round one of our engineers to investigate and make a diagnosis ,and then once we’ve done that, we’ll give you a clear idea of what we think the problem is and how we intend to fix it. Give us a call today and speak to one of our friendly drainage experts.